Saturday, October 08, 2005

Rafferty Jones

This is the pic I have of Rafferty Jones right now. I admit, I'm not completely happy with it but it's pretty close to how I picture her in my head.

Rafferty Jones is the kick ass heroine in the Pirate's Jewel. She's a pirate and when Merrick Cole captures her to take her back to London where she is sentenced to hang, she fights him the whole way - but that's not all she does with him *wicked grin*


Angela's Designs said...

Like your new designs page... e-mail bounced so I thought I'd leave a comment here instead.

Sable Grey said...

Yeah, I'm easing out of yahoo email now. I have my and email accounts set up now. If you mailed to one of those it was probably when I was moving my email.

Re: design page...thanks! I'm working on it. Slowly trying to get it up and running. I'm not crazy about the colors but they'll do until I can design something cool. :)

Mechele Armstrong said...

NIce picture. I need to make some time and read that.

Sable Grey said...

Thanks! I'm actually almost finished with the sequel to The Pirate's Jewel. I'm about a chapter short of being finished and am having a hard time letting

Karmela said...

Sable -- Rafferty sounds like my kind of heroine!

Sable Grey said...


Yes, Rafferty is tough. I quite enjoyed writing a story about a woman so tough in history. I did a lot of research about Pirate Women before I wrote the story. I plan on turning this into a full length novel - because there is so much room and mischief for Rafferty to get into. LOL

Merrick Cole, the hero, is tough as well...he would have to be. I modeled him after Gabriel Byrn who I think is very hot but who also has those intense eyes that could really reflect strength even if he didn't use it.

My sister read this story, however, to show you where the love of strong women comes from, and said "She broke him like a wild thoroughbred".


Sable Grey said...

Laine! Hi! Yes, The Pirate's Jewel has come a long way. And it still has a ways to go! My husband is convinced that this book should be a movie...I think because he's kinda inlove with Rafferty. LOL

So good to "see" you and happy you dropped by!