Monday, September 19, 2005

Trying to raise money for Katrina victims

As most of my readers and fellow authors know, I live in the southern US state of Mississippi. Recently, Hurricane Katrina tore through our state, leaving destruction along the coast and inland.

I have family on the coast where Katrina hit. Fortunately, though their homes were destroyed, my family members survived. They evacuated to other relatives' homes and I can't describe the relief I, and others, felt when we received the news that they were alive!

But some were not so fortunate to have a place to run to or a means to escape. Those that survived Katrina's path remain in need of clothes, water, food, and shelter. My uncle went down to the Mississippi coast and to New Orleans to pass out food and water as part of the relief effort. What I'd seen on television didn't even come close to what he described that he'd witnessed when he'd returned. I won't give you the details but I will tell you that I've cried more in the last month than I've cried in the last ten years.

I can't sit by and do nothing. Though I am not wealthy by any means, I will be donating what I can and asking others to donate to the Salvation Army. My goal is to have raised $1000.00 for these families who need so much through gifts of $5, $10, and $20 donations. - That's not much from each of us, but together, these gifts can really add up to provide food and shelter for families that need it. If each person who reads this message could give at least $5, we could reach that goal easily.

The Salvation Army has made the commitment of "Doing the Most Good" with our dollars so I am joining to help them get those much needed funds. I am hoping you will join me as well as we pull together to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Details of how you can help the victims of Hurricane Katrina by being a part of The Salvation Army's "Doing the Most Good" initiative are clearly noted on my personal page...

Sable Grey Hurricane Relief Page

Please, please, take a moment to visit this page and make a contribution.

You will automatically receive confirmation of your donation via email and I will also be notified by email of your support. Together we can make a difference for those victims that have lost everything.

Thank you very much for your consideration in supporting me and The Salvation Army Disaster Relief effort. I appreciate your taking the time to read this letter.

For additional information about The Salvation Army and the work they are doing toward the relief efforts of Hurricane Katrina visit

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